MID Formula
This post follows on from our post dated 2 June 2017 and deals with extracting data from the middle of a string of information....
Extract text before a space
Often when data has been downloaded in Excel there is information in a cell that you would like to split in to two different cells so...
UPPER, LOWER and PROPER are three functions that are very useful and help you save time and help ensure consistency. These three...
Many (thousands of) Rows
We often analyse files containing many hundreds or thousands of rows, with multiple columns of data. With this amount of data it can be...
Hash # Errors and IFERROR
One of my bugbears is a report that includes a # error, such as #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL! My eye is drawn...
Excel SUBTOTAL Function
The SUBTOTAL function can be used with a variety of calculations, such as SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT and many more. We will look at the most...